Monday, January 7, 2008

MacGyver style

so yesterday I went to the smell for their 10th anniversary concert series. It was pretty crazy considering the lineup, and yet I still underestimated the turnout. This particular show was going to start at seven, even though shows usually start around nine. I figured that I would show up halfway between that time. So I leave my house around 8:15 and get to the venue around 8:30 when I am met with a huge crowd of people just waiting outside. I didn't know what to think since I saw people going in and out of the venue. So I make my way to the door when all of a sudden I am stopped by a doorman/bouncer who asks me if I have a wristband. When I told him that I did not have one, he immediately let me know that the show was sold out and that the people with wristbands were the only ones who were allowed in. damn.
after the rejection, I met up with my buddy charles who was also denied entrance (he had arrived ten minutes after the show had sold out). What made it suck more was the presence of rain. So I stood around (why? I don't know). Then the next thing I know Charles gets a wristband from one of his friends who was inside the venue already (the guy had borrowed the wristband from someone and this allowed him to get him into the show). So I say my goodbyes (not thinking that the same routine could get me in), and made my way least I wasn't in the rain.
But on the drive home I remembered that I had a collection of wristbands from various shows I have attended and/or played. I remember that the wristband at the smell was yellow in color. So I get home and grab all the yellow wristbands that I have and hit up charles asking him to describe the wristband. "it's yellow, but it has stars and other stuff printed on it". All I had was an all yellow wristband and another that had white lines along the band. So I figured that I would grab these and try to get in with one of these decoy wristbands.
So I get to the venue and find myself back in that alley again. I wanted to wait for a big group to enter the venue so that I could go in with them (reducing the chance that the bouncer would thoroughly check my wristband). So I finally see a pretty big group of people entering (silver daggers had just finished their set, so a lot of people were coming in and out). I make my way up to where those people were entering and I try to blend in with them. Alright, one by one each person is showing their wristband and getting the okay to enter. I go from being fourth in line to third, to finally second. Oh man, i hope this works. then all of sudden (right when I was next), the bouncer was called over to talk to someone on the side. What?! The guy just neglected the entrance...what?! So I saw this as an opportunity and I just walked right into the venue like nothing (making sure to expose my "wristband" just in case there was anyone double checking while the guy was gone). What the hell man, what the hell. Here I am creating this macgyver-like moment and I end up getting in like nothing. how ironic. So yea, turns out my decoy "wristband" was the wrong color anyway. Everyone was wearing a neon/highlighter colored band. Mine wasn't even close to looking like everyone's, but oh well. I got to see a great show. So happy birthday to the smell and sorry for turning it into a free show. I did buy some merch afterall to make up for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice, you acually pulled off one of those crazy ideas.