Tuesday, June 24, 2008


so my house is in a M83 video..kinda, which is still sweet. The beginning of the video takes place/was filmed on the Cal State L.A./L.A. County High School for the Arts campus, which is visible from my house. The two opening shots of the neighborhood is the view from the school/s. my house can be seen in the second shot (with the title showing); it's the house the furthest to the right with a kind of a white/blue color. I remember when I was younger, I used to look at that same view and try to find my house, so when the video started playing I immediately recognized the area. You can also see the house of Beatles producer Phil Spector, which is hidden in the first opening shot. It's located all the way to the left where all those tall trees are in the background....Also, the girl in the video plays drums in the L.A. band, BlackBlack, who are really neat. craziness.

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