Friday, November 30, 2007

start december with kimya dawson

sunday december 2nd
kimya dawson
the watery graves
lucky dragons
smog monster
@ the smell
247 s. main st
los angeles, ca
(enter in the back alley)
all ages $5

wednesday december 5th
kimya dawson
orem the sink
@ the brown house
110 n. vista bonita
glendora, ca
all ages 7pm donations at the door
more info at

thursday december 6th
kimya dawson
@ pomona college
details to be announced

friday december 7th
kimya dawson
mike xvx
watercolor paintings
@ 617 Agate
Laguna Beach, CA
(you go up agate street until you hit a dead end, park near the dead
end, walk up the dirt path that sprouts from the dead end, and once
you walk up a little you will see the house. walk up the steps and then
you are at the house)
music at 7pm but come early for a vegan potluck!
all ages, donations will be collected

saturday december 8th
kimya dawson
tall tales
@ oak canyon park, ca
all ages noon

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